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Hit and Blow 9 for Free

4.4 ( 6304 ratings )
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Utvecklare: kengo utsunomiya

1. Input your name.
2. Tap PLAY to start game.
3. Tap Number Field and pick the numbers from 1-9 for "Easy" play, or 0-9 for "Hard" play.(choose different numbers).
4. Tap CHECK! to check the answer.
If you chose collect number at right place, you get Hit(H).
if you chose collect number but wrong place, you get Blow(B).
Revise numbers accordingly by those crews, and tap CHECK again!
If you get all HIT 3, game cleared!
*To see the history which you have tried, tap the History button on number button field.
(Only 10 history can show)

Now lets get try!